Logical Volume Management basics

I’ve explained how to activate a LVM Logical Volume before but never talked too much about LVM itself. Here is a brief introduction.

I’ve been playing with LVM for about a couple of years now and, I must say, I’ve found it very practical, even for managing “simple home desktops/servers”.

The m[……]

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How to run a system command in background from PHP

If you are at the command line (eg: bash) and want a command to run in background you simply add an “&” at the end of the command, eg:

sleep 10 && echo "Done!" &

This lets you free to do whatever you want at the command line while the other process runs in background.
Now, let’s suppose you[……]

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jQuery shorthand for the document ready wrapper function

If you use jQuery you know that, if you want the DOM to be ready before firing a jQuery/javascript function, you need to wrap your code in the “document ready” function like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  //some js code

If you prefer, you can use a shorthand:

$(function() {[......]

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Install NX server/client on Ubuntu Lucid

My favourite NX server is Freenx.
FreeNX is a GPL implementation of the NX server/client that allows you to graphically access your machine over the Internet.
FreeNX runs natively on SSH, it’s open source and, above all, fast.

So, first of all you need to add the free-nx repository:

sudo add[......]

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Free 3GB SpiderOak account – (Dropbox alternative)

SpidearOak gives you 2GB to start with. If you want to start with 3GB instead use this link.
Keep reading if you want to find out more.

So, first of all, SpiderOak is a web-based file hosting service “similar” to Dropbox.
You don’t know what Dropbox is? oh well :-). You can have a look at the D[……]

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How to install Firefox 5 on Ubuntu Lucid

The Firefox version bound with Ubuntu Lucid is still the 3.6.
It’s stable but definitely not the fastest browser I’ve ever tried and, these days, with Chrome/Chromium around we all know how important speed is.

So, the best way to keep your Firefox up to date with the versions released by the Moz[……]

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How to fix GRUB 2 with Ubuntu live cd

Sometimes happens to “break” the GRUB and make our computer unbootable or, anyway, not booting the way we want it to.
Usually this happens when we test/install a new operating system or maybe simply because we are “playing” with the GRUB.

NB: I’m going to explain how to restore GRUB 2 (tested on U[……]

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Linux: what is partition UUID and how to use it

UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier and is used to univocally identify a partition.
This is more reliable than /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* since it doesn’t change between system boots.

All filesystems should be specified by UUID=<id> (or also LABEL=<name>) for each partition.

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