My favourite NX server is Freenx.
FreeNX is a GPL implementation of the NX server/client that allows you to graphically access your machine over the[……]
Category: How To
Tutorials and guides on how to install software, tweak and personalize your system…
How to install Firefox 5 on Ubuntu Lucid
The Firefox version bound with Ubuntu Lucid is still the 3.6.
It’s stable but definitely not the fastest browser I’ve ever tried and, these days, wit[……]
How to fix GRUB 2 with Ubuntu live cd
Sometimes happens to “break” the GRUB and make our computer unbootable or, anyway, not booting the way we want it to.
Usually this happens when we te[……]
Mount Windows share on Linux
Sometimes I still have to deal with Windows. :-/
This time it’s an office shared disk/device.
I was able to mount it automatically but only root cou[……]
Linux: what is partition UUID and how to use it
UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier and is used to univocally identify a partition.
This is more reliable than /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* since i[……]
Launch remote GUI locally trough SSH
Let me explain what I want to do first since the title might be misleading.
I want to launch a GUI on my local environment that belongs to a remove s[……]
Load LVM partition manually
Sometimes you have to load a LV (logic volume) that is “not part of the main file system”.
Other times you might have to mount a LV from a live CD, m[……]
Linux: How to forward system emails
Every time Linux generates a system email it sends it to the root user.
I don’t normally check that email so I needed to send it to another email add[……]
Mediawiki: disable account creation
When you install MediaWiki it allows new accounts creation out of the box.
This is not always the behaviour I want. Unfortunately there isn’t an opti[……]
How to configure sendmail as a SMART HOST
Sometimes I need to test the email functionality of a php website on my local machine. The best and easiest (to configure) way I found so far is using[……]